Fattening Foods to Avoid – Part 2

Fattening foods comes in different disguises, leaving dieters frustrated. The food they believed can help them lose weight and feel satisfied are not really providing the benefits that they claimed. That’s why it pays to be aware of foods that disguise as healthy foods to avoid wasting your effort.

Fattening Foods


fattening foods_Yogurt has been marketed as healthy food so it is not surprising that a lot of dieters believe that the yogurt is good for losing weight. Well, sad to say fat free yogurt is still full of sugar and they loaded them with sugar to make up for the loss of fat. When the fat is removed from the yogurt, they become tasteless so sugar is added. It is only deemed as healthy because between ice cream and yogurt, the latter is a better option. In other words, yogurt is the lesser evil so if you are craving for something sweet and cold, better eat yogurt than ice cream.

Frozen Meals for Dieters

In the supermarket, you can see plenty of prepackaged diet meals promoted as low in calories and fat. These foods may save you the time from preparing your dinner or lunch, but you will not feel satisfied with these diet meals. The taste of prepackaged meals is not satisfying and the serving is so small that you will get hungry in just an hour or two.

Frozen diet meals also high in preservatives and sodium so it is better to prepare your own meals and just freeze them than buy readymade meals.

Fat Free Potato Chips

A lot of people love potato chips, including me. And because eating potato chips can ruin your diet, you have to stay away from your favorite chips for awhile. The cravings for a bag of salty chips may drive you nuts for awhile. But it is better to abstain than eat fat free potato chips.

Fat free potato chips are usually made with fat replacers. What are fat replacers? They are made of polydetrose, maltodextrin and chemically treated fatty acids also known as olestra or protein. The fat replacers have low calories and make the chips taste good.

By the way, there is no scientific study yet that proves these chips are bad for you. But there are complains that they cause digestive problems when olestra is not absorbed or digested.

Anyway, if you are losing weight, it is better to ditch potato chips fat free or not altogether. They are just carbs that cause your blood glucose to skyrocket. A better alternative is to bake your own chips using sweet potatoes.

Fruit Juice

Fruit juice may sound healthy especially when it is supposed to be made with real fruit. Well, fruit juice contains plenty of nutrients, as well as sugar. Unfortunately, some fruit drinks are also high in calories that drinking them will just ruin your diet. They may be loaded with vitamin C, but the negatives still outweigh the benefit. That’s why it is best to just drink water or eat the real thing instead of drinking the calories.

fattening foods

So, before you grab all the drinks in the store labeled as real fruit juice better check the label first. Read the label to see if your drink is loaded with sugar and other flavor enhancing additives.

The secret to a successful dieting is not eating fat free, sugar free or whatever they are called nowadays. It is eating the real thing but in moderation. If you feel like eating fruit, eat an apple or orange do not drink fruit juice.

Now, if you are wondering about what is the best diet program, you may want to check out Forever Living Clean 9 program.
fat fighting foods
Forever Living Products has been producing quality aloe vera based products that helps improve body resistance, fight radicals and even help people lose weight.

Clean 9 is a weight loss program that Forever Living promotes to cleanse your body in a healthy and safe way. It helps control and manages weight loss effectively.

For more information about Forever Living Products and Clean 9 Detox program, visit my website.

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