Facebook Business Page Tips

using facebook for businessFacebook marketing is fast-becoming popular because of the social media sites popularity. Some of the small and big businesses are using Facebook to promote their products and services. If you are also planning to do the same, it is best that you do it right to maximize your business page potential.

Marketing your product or services on Facebook is something you need to do right from the start. That’s why you should plan your marketing strategy carefully to ensure success. It is also necessary to understand how Facebook works to get the most out of your business page.

Facebook Business Page Tips

Facebook is a great platform for small and big businesses that wanted to market their products and services across the globe. Facebook is the number social media sites with over 5 million people online every day.

Here are some Facebook Business Page tips that will help you achieve your goal in this platform.

Use Space Wisely

Facebook has allocated a space where you can create and leave a lasting impression to your visitors. So use these spaces wisely to maximize your Facebook Business Page. What are these spaces? They are the cover image, profile and about section.

On the cover image, you are given 851 pixels x 315 pixels and on the profile image you can upload images with 180 x 180 pixels. The about section is a place for you to write to introduce your business in 155 characters.

Image Cover Matter

Cover image is the first thing visitors notice when they visit your business Page. So, it is crucial that your cover image showcase your business and what your Page can do for your visitors. Your cover image must express this at first glance as you only have a second or two to catch your visitor’s attention.

Post Regularly

If you wish to create a positive impression on your visitors and fans, you need to post regularly not randomly. But you also need to schedule your post to avoid hogging the news feeds of your fans. Posting frequently can have a negative impact on your business Page engagement.

Find out the right frequency and number of post you can do to keep readers interested and avoid adverse effect.

Understand Facebook

You need to understand Facebook to determine if your business Page is giving you maximum exposure. Understanding the platform will also help you create a good marketing strategy. So, study the Facebook Edgerank to study what type of posts appear on user’s newsfeed because not all your fans actually see your Page Posts.

Respond to Questions and Inquiries

People visit business Page to post questions or inquiries. These comments are important so respond to all and make sure your settings allows posting of comments. If you do not allow people to comment or send you private messages, they will get discourage and will never visit your Page again.

Promote Your Page

The best way to promote your Facebook business Page is to let everyone know about it. Share your Page to your Facebook friends and link your website to your Page if you have one. Display your link on your business cards, marketing materials, newsletters, events and other social networks. If you do all or any of the above, you can increase your Facebook Page visibility.

Invest In Facebook

When I say invest, I don’t mean buy Facebook shares of stock but just invest in promoted posts, Facebook ads, Sponsored stories to increase your engagement, Likes, visibility and more.

Relevant Content

Facebook is a good platform to share information because of the number of people who log in every day. If you wish to capture the attention of users, you need to post relevant content. Do not just promote promotional content, include informative content to keep your fans interested and increase your engagement.

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